Tag: Climate Change

  • It’s not as if the hype suggests that COP 27 has an effect on the climate.

    It’s not as if the hype suggests that COP 27 has an effect on the climate.

    The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in a report, said on Saturday that climate change “will have a devastating impact” on food security and ending hunger in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). LMICs will face the impact of climate change in areas where the economy is weak, they stated. LMICs will struggle to adapt to…

  • The weather is getting worse as a result of climate change.

    The weather is getting worse as a result of climate change.

    A new report by the University of Vermont Gund Institute for Environment has said that many extreme weather events, including heatwaves, heavy precipitation, drought and floods are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change. It added that “the effects of climate change are felt most strongly by communities that are already overburdened, including…

  • Bezos says he’s going to give most of his money to charity.

    Bezos says he’s going to give most of his money to charity.

    Jeff Bezos has said that unity is one trait that will be necessary to confront climate change. “I…felt so proud to have been part of that little seed money that will hopefully grow into something great and help to heal this world,” he added. The Bezos Courage and Civility Award was given this year to…

  • 9 experts have solutions for America’s climate crisis.

    9 experts have solutions for America’s climate crisis.

    US President Donald Trump’s administration has announced that the country will invest $369 billion in over 100 programs that will invest in climate action, clean energy jobs and environmental justice. The investments include $2 billion to coastal communities and tribes for adaptation to climate change. In 2021, Joe Biden issued an executive order stating that…

  • Research shows oil field flaring emits methane five times greater than expected.

    Research shows oil field flaring emits methane five times greater than expected.

    US oil and gas companies emit at least 1.3 billion tonnes of methane per year, according to a report by Environmental Defense Fund. Methane, a greenhouse gas, contributes to global warming and packs a bigger short- term punch than even carbon dioxide. Former US Vice President Al Gore said the country’s oil and gas industry…

  • Billion-dollar disasters.

    Billion-dollar disasters.

    The effects of climate change are felt most strongly by communities that are already overburdened, includingIndigenous peoples, people of colour, and low-income communities, according to a new report by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It said the effects of climate change were felt most strongly by low-income communities. “The effects of climate change are…

  • What is the UN Climate Summit?

    What is the UN Climate Summit?

    UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres said on Monday that corporations should help pay for the costs associated with climate change. “Cooperation or perish,” he added. Guterres further said that the world is “on a highway to climate hell” and urged the US and China to work together to avert it. The world is likely to face…

  • According to the UN, countries that are hit hardest by climate change need more money to prepare.

    According to the UN, countries that are hit hardest by climate change need more money to prepare.

    The world’s developing countries will need more money to deal with climate change, a UN report said. “The discourse needs to be raised substantially, the level of ambition…so that you can actually continue to do what you’re doing on mitigation even more,” Mafalda Duarte, CEO of Climate Investment Funds, which works with development banks like…

  • How can we answer the questions about climate change?

    How can we answer the questions about climate change?

    Failure to spend the funds necessary to limit andprepare for the impact of climate change exposes the world to potential risks, said Duarte Duarte, Egypt’s Minister for Water Resources and Irrigation. He said the loss-and- damages finance can no longer be avoided by high-income countries due to the changes in climate impacts in vulnerable countries.

  • The climate talk was already nailed by tiny Vanuatu in 1991.

    The climate talk was already nailed by tiny Vanuatu in 1991.

    The United Nations said that it doesn’t amount to enough money to meet the needs of developing nations to prepare for climate risk. At the UN climate conference, developed countries were urged to double their funding for adaptation from 2019 levels by 2025. “There have been many promises,” Mahmoud Mohieldin, the UN’s climate change high-level…

  • In 1991, tiny Vanuatu nailed the climate conversation.

    In 1991, tiny Vanuatu nailed the climate conversation.

    Ahead of the UN climate summit COP27 in Egypt, the head of the negotiating bloc in the summit has said that compensation for poorer countries suffering from climate change is high on the agenda. The issue of loss and damage finance is also on the agenda, he added. “Without…investment, nothing will progress,” Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN’s…

  • The hype surrounding COP 27 may be overstated, but it does matter for the climate.

    The hype surrounding COP 27 may be overstated, but it does matter for the climate.

    The chairperson of the negotiating bloc in the United Nations Climate Summit (UNCWS) has said they would like to create a “dedicated financial facility” to pay countries that are facing the impacts of climate change at the summit. Over a decade ago, the world promised togive $100 billion a year for poorer countries to cope…

  • Climate change hitting countries hardest need more money to prepare.

    Climate change hitting countries hardest need more money to prepare.

    The UN’s Climate Change Conference urged the developed nations to double their funding for adaptation by 2025, from the current levels. The UN report said there are “mounting and ever-increasing climate risks” after the floods in Pakistan that killed 1,500 people. “The discourse needs to be raised significantly…so that you can…meet the adaptation needs,” a…