A gyaelectronvolt emission from a merger.

Astronomy of GW170817/SSSS17a: a comparison of Gaia data release and VLBI astrometry

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The Characterization of the Prompt Gamma-ray Emission of GRB 21607A: A Case for a Massive Star Progenitor

GRBs are classified based on the properties of their prompt gamma-ray phase. The GRB 21607A prompt emission has three different episodes: a weak beginning, a bright multipeaked main burst and a highly variable temporally extended emission. The time intervals for spectral and temporal analysis were selected to characterize them separately. Swift and Fermi data were processed using HEASOFT v.6.30. Spectra were extracted from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor data and fitted within XSPEC42. The temporal properties were derived from the Swift BAT light curves using well-established techniques43,44.

A brief (3-s) period of low-level persistent emission precedes the onset of a long-lasting tail. The time-averaged spectrum of the extended emission has a soft peak of 52 ± 2 keV, the minimum variability timescale is 42 ± 9 ms, and the lag, ({\tau }{31}={7}{-2}^{+3}\;{\rm{ms}}), is positive. The total fluence is ~5 × 10−5 erg cm−2 (10–1,000 keV), corresponding to Eγ,iso ≈ 7 × 1050 erg.

For the collapsar model to work, we must also explain the offset of the GRB from its host galaxy. O/ B stars can be nixed by a supernova in the primary star and gain a kick of up to 200 km s1. This proper motion could move the companion O star well beyond its star forming region (~1 kpc in 5 Myr), but it is unlikely that this kick is sufficient to explain the large offset of this burst. In summary, a massive star progenitor for GRB 211211A would naturally account for its long duration but requires a combination of unusual circumstances (a low 56Ni yield explosion, a low-mass neutron-rich disk outflow, and an extreme kick velocity) to explain the entire set of observations.

The brightness (LHα ≈ 1040 erg s−1) and relative ratio of these lines (log([N ii]/Hα) The point to a star-forming galaxy is 0.7. 8.4. We also find evidence that is weak. Although this feature is affected by a nearby skyline, it is indicative of an evolved stellar population.

The surface brightness of the galaxy is modeled using GALFIT52. A description of it’s structure can be obtained by including a Sersic profile with an index of 1 and a half-light radius. Similar results can be obtained using the F160W image with Re,1 2.34 arcsSec and Re,2 0.64 arcs Sec. The half-light radius r50 ≈ 1.1 arcsec obtained through Source Extractor is given by the weighted average of these two components.

The SED of the GRB is shown at different times. These epochs were selected to maximize simultaneous multiwavelength coverage. The data was rescaled when needed using a best-fit temporal model.

Starting from ~T0 + 5 h, a simple non-thermal spectrum can no longer reproduce the broadband emission. The UVOIR excess was detected all over the place. It is shown as a narrow spectral shape peaking in the U band with a temperature of 16,000 K and a luminosity Lbolo of 3.5 2.0. We therefore fit each SED epoch with a blackbody (UVOIR) plus power-law (X-ray) model, and derive the total integrated blackbody luminosity, its temperature and radius as a function of time (Fig. 2 and Extended Data Table 1). The luminosity is better constrained in the second time period at 10h after the power-law has been applied.

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