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The opinion is about the anti-Blackness of West.

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Outraged at the Outburst of Kanye’s ‘Death of a Black Man’ by Anti-Semitic Tweets

The businesses that had relationships with West were excluded from the chorus of outrage because of his despicable attack on Jews. Some underplayed the impact of someone as big and famous as Kanye West diving into the ugliness of bias, despite the fact that there already has been a sustained surge of antisemitic comments in alt-right online communities.

Ye tweeted that he would soon go “death con 3 The United States is said to have a defense readiness condition known as Def. There is a Con.

West, the Magician: How My Generation Got Left Behind During a Critical Appraisal of a Black Artist’s Influence on Political Issues

West is no Mozart. West is a brooding, narcissistic attention addict and praise junkie. He attends his torture. He curates and employs it. Some of it comes naturally, but others are manufactured to enlarge the legend.

West is often described as a “freethinker,” but in the political space, he isn’t. He’s simply a Black artist willing to regurgitate conservative — sometimes bordering on white supremacist — talking points as if they were his own.

Coming from the mouth of an international superstar, a rapping fashion designer, oppression starts to sound like freedom to those who shy away from or openly reject a serious analysis of politics and current affairs.

Last week, West caused a firestorm by wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt at his fashion show in Paris. The Anti-Defamation League labels “White Lives Matter” a “white supremacist phrase” and has written that, since 2015, “white supremacists in several states, especially members of the Texas-based white supremacist group Aryan Renaissance Society, have promoted the slogan” as part of “a loose campaign to popularize the phrase.”

The author of “OK Boomer, Let’s Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind” is a journalist who is based in New York. She can follow her on the social networking site. The opinions in this commentary are of her own. View more opinion on CNN.

The Funny and the Ugly: Dem Demagogic Attacks on a Left-Wight Right-Sensitive Texan

The first group is simplistic and annoying. The second response, though – the conservatives who are using this moment to amplify themselves because they realize that West’s bigotry may well resonate with their followers – is indecent and dangerous.

During his interview with Carlson, West wore an ultrasound pendant to signal his anti-abortion views. He pointed to abortion and the singer Lizzo’s weight and blamed both for “the genocide of the Black race.” Republicans and conservative talking heads cheered West for “spitting facts” and declared him “a cultural icon.”

His account was locked and he’s been removed from it. In the interview, West told Piers Morgan he was sorry for the people he hurt and that he did not regret making the remark.

Rokita insisted that her post was aimed at hypocrisy of the media and Hollywood elites, not anything to do with other comments. There is a record of me being 100% supportive of the Jewish community and Israel. But at the time he sent out his first tweet defending West on Sunday evening, West’s antisemitic tweet was the primary topic of conversation.

The White Lives Matter T-shirt also joined in, with the author saying, “if you are an honest person, you didn’t think this was antisemitic.” You have no idea what the hell he is talking about if you are an honest person. Owens decried that it was like you could not even say the word “Jewish” without people and he didn’t understand what kind of person read the death con 3 on Jewish people.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz couldn’t be bothered to condemn West’s remarks, but did take the opportunity to attack New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she condemned West’s remarks.

The left-wing line on West, which amounts to “mental illness does not make you a bigot, only bigots are bigots” is too simplistic and dismissive. Mental illnesses are not all alike, and painting them with a broad brush is silly. You don’t spout antisemitic conspiracy theories because of your anxiety.

Some in the GOP may well be reticent to disown West, since GOP operatives sought to use him in 2020 to siphon voters away from Biden. The right-wing embrace of West is meant to signal to republican supporters that the Trump wing of the party believes the outrageous claims about women being policed by men.

Which may explain why he reached an agreement in principle to purchase Parler, the faltering right-wing social media app. Owens’s husband is the owner of Parler’s parent company. Ye is perhaps a recurring victim of right-wing grift, and so might be among other things.

The rapper-turned-MAGA-hero, who now goes by Ye, was not a user of the platform he aims to purchase until Monday and has never posted on the app. As of press time, the music icon had just 10,000 followers on the platform — a tiny sliver of the 31 million followers he has amassed on Twitter.

The Dead, the Dead, and the Beyond: An Analysis of the Digital Advertising Decay of the Parler Platform during the January 6 Attack on the Capitol

The Republican who was involved in digital advertising told me that it was dead and that I should ask him about it. When I say it’s dead, it’s a lie.

Comscore data analyzed by The Righting shows Parler attracted just 137,000 unique visitors in August, a dramatic plunge from the 12.3 million it saw in January 2021, when the platform was used to plan the January 6 attack on the Capitol. In comparison to giants like Meta, which have more than 3 million users a day, there is a small social platform with over 200 million daily active users.

“No one goes there for a dialogue on conservative ideas,” CNN national security analyst Juliette Kayyem pointed out on-air Monday. They go there to hate each other.

The email was sent to its most prominent users heralding the deal after Ye announced that they would purchase the platform. The private email addresses of a number of right-wing figures were exposed after execs forgot to list the recipients as BCCs.

A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. The daily digest will chronicle the evolving media landscape here.

The responsibility is left to others. So far, there have been a handful of efforts to hold him to account. After Ye’s tweets, Elon Musk — soon to be the owner of Twitter — tweeted, “Talked to ye today & expressed my concerns about his recent tweet, which I think he took to heart.” The influential radio station D.J. Flex expressed their hopes to work with Ye in the future, even after calling out rappers and industry executives for their silence. The celebrities have expressed their exasperation but others have attempted to intervene and have Ye target them publicly.

Ye is drawing upon a cultural bank account that is so vast and deep that he is hard to disentangle from our modern understanding of celebrity, which is why people still tune in. For many years, he has stepped out over the line and created music, fashion or otherwise that seemed to justify, or at least partially excuse, his baser impulses. That dynamic can continue, that’s the question. Ye needs help, who will give him it, and who will refuse it, so it’s worth looking at the point of outrage when it becomes concern.

The media outlets have to take responsibility and be responsible in their coverage of him. He has already been suspended from Twitter and Instagram for his incendiary behavior. He has terminated his partnership with Gap. His Adidas partnership is “under review.” Soon, he may not have a mainstream partner platform to speak of.

For decades now, Ye has been building new worlds and waiting for people to populate them. But even if he does make Parler his megaphone, it’s unclear whether he will simply end up doing anything beyond shouting into the void. Speech may be free, but attention is not.

How a Freeway Overpass Can End the Flares of White Supremacy: The Los Angeles Anti-Defamation of Kanye West

Los Angeles officials are condemning the display of banners from a freeway overpass this weekend by a group of demonstrators seen in bystander photos showing support for antisemitic comments recently made by rapper Kanye West, also known as Ye.

Photos taken Saturday show a small group of demonstrators with their arms raised in what appears to be the Nazi salute behind banners reading, “honk if you know” alongside “Kanye is right about the Jews.”

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón lambasted the incident on Twitter Sunday saying, “We cannot tolerate the #AntiSemitism that was on full display today [Saturday] on an LA Fwy. #WhiteSupremacy is a societal cancer that must be excised. This message is dangerous & cannot be normalized. I support the Jewish community’s condemnation of this disgusting behavior.

The ADL audit stated there were a record number of antisemitic incidents reported last year. There were 2,026 incidents reported in 2020, a 34% increase compared to the previous year.

Jeffrey Abrams, ADL Los Angeles Regional Director, said in a statement on Sunday that the initiative is an outrageous effort to fan the flames of antisemitism. The group is known for promoting antisemitism and white supremacist ideology and is proof that hate breeds more hate.

Abrams went on to call out Adidas, which is reviewing its partnership with West, saying “decisive action against antisemitism by Adidas is long overdue.”

Beverly Hills Mayor Lili Bosse condemned the flyers and the banner as “disgusting hate speech” in a tweet. I will always bear witness and speak out, because I’m a daughter of a survivor.

The Bad, the Bad, and the Ugly: Kanye West’s Outburst in Jacksonville, Florida, caused by Holocaust-Induced Mental Health

Bill Carter has written four books on television, including The War for Late Night, and has covered the industry for 25 years for The New York Times. The opinions expressed are his own. CNN has more opinion on it.

On Saturday, an antisemitic message scrolled across the outside of TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville, Florida during a college football game. The message said that Ye was right about the jews. Saturday night the same message was flashed on a building.

And that same weekend, drivers in Jacksonville were treated to ugly antisemitic signs on a highway overpass – similar to what happened in Los Angeles a week before.

There is a wide range of hate sites online, making antisemitism more widespread. But there’s no question that West, a figure with a massive cultural footprint, has stoked the never fully extinguished flames of hate directed at Jewish people.

He told the media that his mental health issues were caused by a Jewish doctor who misdiagnosed them and that he compared them to the genocide of the Jews during World War II.

West is an intelligent guy; he knows what he’s doing. That makes this so dangerous and awful. Dismissing him as a self-important gadfly, or a creature of the tabloids associated with Kardashian nonsense, severely underestimates who Kanye West is.

He has sold well over 100 million records; he has won 24 Grammy Awards; and he has been taken seriously in a range of businesses, including music production, talent management and especially fashion design. As a result of his success in those areas, he has had a huge reach among younger people.


Donald Trump is not a Jew: His actions against the Middle East are part of the proof of his outspoken antisemitism

Donald Trump still hasn’t publicly disavowed West. The most he’s added about the anti-Semitic comments is a weirdly phrased, “He’s made some … rough statements on Jewish.”

But there is an undercurrent to the reaction to West – a dismissive one that seems to find his views unserious in some way, because West is an “entertainer,” a guy who used to be married to a Kardashian; or because he may have genuine mental health issues.

In an interview with Fox News, West said that one of his clients, who is a Jew, only tried to negotiate peace in the Middle East because he wanted to make money. The network edited out West’s most antisemitic attacks. Those comments only became public because someone of conscience inside Fox decided to leak them.

But the message West has been spouting is still resonating in dark and nasty places, including with those who decided to celebrate West’s validating their pathetic prejudices by displaying support for him at football stadiums and highway overpasses.

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